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ancient Egypt was the civilization that grew up around the Nile River. Sumeria is the earliest known civilization (the Cradle of Civilization) and began in what is now southern Iraq, in Mesopatamia. They gave us writing, the wheel and many other things.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Sumer was a large part of Mesopotamia consisting of many different civilizations. Mesopotamia was a whole country in the area of what is now known as Iran.

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13y ago

Mesopotamia was surrounded by/had two major rivers while Greece had seas surrounding it.

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12y ago

The Ancient Sumerians had no organized set of gods; each city-state had its own patrons, temples, and priest-kings. The Hebrews practiced one religion and worshiped one God.

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8y ago

A Sumerian city-state contained of a village and a city.

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