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Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

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Hamilton favored a strong national government with federal powers that were supreme over state powers. He favored an industrialized nation and favored a protective tariff and a national bank. He favored a constitution that would be interpreted broadly, loose construction, so the national government would have more powers as needed. Jefferson believed in states' rights and felt the federal government did not have supreme power over the states. He wanted the US to become an agrarian nation with most of our industrial products purchased from Great Britain or other European nations. He believed in strick construction of the Constitution, meaning that the government could only do what the Constitution specifically stated.

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Q: What were the differences between Hamilton and Jefferson's views of the Constitution and the powers given to Congrees?
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