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The Ottoman Emptire was partitioned into many smaller, independent countries. These included: Syria and Lebanon, which were controlled by France; Palestine and Mesopotamia, which were controlled by Britain. The remainder became the Republic of Turkey.

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Q: What were the consequences of Word War 1 for the Ottoman Empire?
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What role did the british play in bringing about the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was dissolved at the end of the Word War 1 (known at the time as The Great War). Britain was one of the major countries of the Allies.

What side was the ottoman empire on in World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire was one of the Central Powers.

Who did the Ottoman Empire ally themselves with in Word War 1?

It was Germany,Bulgaria,and Austria-Hungary.

How did the Ottoman Empire affect the war?

World War I ended the Ottoman Empire. After the Treaty of Versailles, the Ottoman Sultanate was disbanded and the Young Turks took power in Ankara.

Was the Ottoman Empire still called the Ottoman Empire during World War 2?

The Ottoman Empire was dismantled after the First World War, it was subsequently known as Turkey. Therefore, no, it was known as Turkey during the Second World War.

Who were the new territories in the Ottoman Empire?

The new territory of the Ottoman Empire was essentially just the country of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire fell after the end of World War I.

What is the War of the Great Empire?

Germany, Austria, and Ottoman Empire

What empire did not exist after World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire

Who did France fight in the Crimean War?

The Ottoman Empire (now modern Turkish Empire) , the British Empire, the French Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Which two countries started the Crimean War?

The Ottoman Empire and Russia began the Crimean War when the Ottoman Empire declared war on Russia on October 4, 1863.

When did the allies declare war on the Ottoman Empire?

The Triple Entente, or Allied Powers, declared war on the Ottoman Empire on November 4.1914.

How did world war 1 affect the Ottoman Empire and European colonies and dominions?

The Ottoman Empire could not survive World War 2 so it killed itself. asapex