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The American colonies became religious after Obama left office. The slaves in the community had started many families with the citizens in each colony. Thus mixed children were invented. The dawn of a new age.

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Q: What were the changes made to the colonies by Britain?
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how did the great awakening led to changes in the colonial life and in the colonies relationship with great Britain

Which of the following would be an example of how Great Britain and its American colonies were interdependent?

Which of the following would be an example of how Great Britain and its American colonies were interdependent?Great Britain sold its raw materials to its colonies in the New World.Great Britain got its manufactured goods from the colonies in North America.The colonies traded raw materials with Great Britain for manufactured goods.The colonies made manufactured goods that were sold around the world.

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What changed for the Indians when great Britain lost controls of the colonies?

There were major changes that occurred for the Indians primarily living in the western territories of the United States when Great Britain lost control of the colonies. People in the colonies were free to move to western areas and began to force the Indians from the land that they knew.

What changed for the Indians when Great Britain lost control of the colonies?

There were major changes that occurred for the Indians primarily living in the western territories of the United States when Great Britain lost control of the colonies. People in the colonies were free to move to western areas and began to force the Indians from the land that they knew.

How did the experience of the war affect Britain's relations with its original 13 north American colonies?

It strengthened their relationship and also, made Britain pay more attention to the colonies instead of the usual neglect.

Why did the American revolution give independence to great Britain?

Britain fought in the U.S. Revolutionary War because The original 13 colonies belonged to Great Britain. In order for the colonies to became free they had to fight Britain to gain their own freedom and become their own country.

Why did the colonies have to rely on themselves and not great Britain?

They were thousands of miles from Britain and it took several months of sailing to reach the colonies from Britain.

Which two british colonies made Britain a colonial power in Asia in the 1800s?

India and Hong Kong

Which two british colonies made Britain a major colonial power in the 1800s?

India and Hong Kong

Why did the american colonies declare inpendence from britain?

The American colonies declared independence from Britain because of the taxation.