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The Great Migrations brought African Americans and Mexican Americans to northern cities, women had more rights (most of which vanished when the war ended), education improved, people were more disciplined, the economy was booming (only for a little bit-- then the Great Depression came), and anti-German feelings were abundant among Americans.

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13y ago

This question is a bit vague, but there are a couple of clear changes that took place. Probably the sharpest change in American policy was to remain in Europe. After retreating from Europe after the Great War, and remaining neutral for more than 2 years in the Second World War, Americal committed to the defense of Western Europe in the face of the Soviet threat. The US 6th fleet maintained a permanent station in the Medditeranean Sea, and US forces joined NATO. This coupled with the economic stimulus of the Marshall Plan had the effect of stabilizing the devestated continent.

Also, America became an interventionist nation. When Woodrow Wilson took America to war in WWI, he had to battle the ghost of George Washington who warned his nation to avoid all European involvement. That reluctance lingered through 1942 (Pearl Harbor), but was shattered by 1945.

America became a superpower. OUr economy had grown. Our society had remained completely intact (Compared to the thousands of German/British/Japanese/Soviet/French schools, hospitals, banks, and other institutions that had been destroyed.) so that by 1945 we were bypassing other nations in every field of endeavor.

I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but these are a few of the ways that we as a nation changed.

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14y ago

After World War One Americans became more open to breaking tradition. Artists, Writers, Musicians, and Architects started to come out of the box and explore their own ideas instead of what they had always been told. Writer's such as Hemingway became more daring in their literary works, and Art became more abstract. Women were not an exception to this rule. Women fought for their rights, and took on a new look and created the Flapper Age. Women cut their hair short and portrayed a look that resembled a fun loving little boy. Technology also sky rocketed. Refrigerators and Packaged food became very popular, and because of these new inventions (amoung many others) people had more "lesiure" time, and therefore went to the movies and went out dancing more often. This period in time is also knows as the "Golden Age of Jazz". Swing dancing was popular in the "Flapper Age", as well as the Fox Trot. Both of these dances orgiginated from Jazz. The time period after WWI, whatever you decide to call it, was a growing period for the Uninted States of America.

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13y ago

Women got used to working full-time and earning a decent paycheck of their own, although this wasn't the standard common way of doing things, it became acceptable and more common than it used to be.

Shortly after WWII, President Truman de-segregated the U.S. military, and soon after that the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing (real success came slowly all through the 1950s and 1960s).

The United States entered the Cold War, as our WWII ally (Soviet Union) became our enemy, and we got really friendly with West Germany and Japan to try to help create buffer zones around the Red (communist) menace.

And the rockets developed as weapons in WWII (German V-2 missile) became both weapons of the Cold War (ICBM nuclear missiles) and the Space Race (astronauts and cosmonauts in orbit. Men on the moon eventually).

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12y ago

It dropped its policy of 'isolation' and began the policy of containment. It became a superpower in military terms and retained a large permanent army

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Q: What were the changes in America after World War 1?
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Women won the right to vote after America victory in?

World War 1

Was the impact of World War I on civilian life in the U.S. similar to that of World War 2?

It was similar, yes, but it had more meaningful changes, America was introduced to the Kamakazi style fighting of the Japanese and our Economy was in a better position that in world war 1.

What country did not suffer after World War 1?


What year did America declare war on Germany in world war 1?


In what ways might World War 1 be seen as a progressive war in America?

World war two was used for power.

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Women won the right to vote after America victory in?

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Was the impact of World War I on civilian life in the U.S. similar to that of World War 2?

It was similar, yes, but it had more meaningful changes, America was introduced to the Kamakazi style fighting of the Japanese and our Economy was in a better position that in world war 1.

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none America didn't fight until world war 2

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Derek was here.