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Q: What were the causes of the sectional tensions?
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What is the best example of rising sectional tensions caused by westward expansion in the antebellum America?

The Wilmot Proviso

How did the panic of 1819 lead to sectional tensions and division?

Northern industrialist wanted high tariffs: southern plantation did not. Apex

How did westward expansion increase sectional tensions?

Westward expansion created territories that eventually wished to become States. Every application for Statehood prior to the Civil War increased sectional tension because of the need to balance "free" and "slave" States in Congress.

How did the 1860 election increase sectional tensions?

Because the newly-elected Lincoln would not agree to any extension of slavery. So the final attempt at compromise failed.

Why did settlement in the west increase tension between the north and south with The Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri compromises did not cause tensions. The purpose of the two Missouri Compromises was to ease the sectional tensions that existed when each of the compromises were made. The Missouri Compromise in 1820 kept tensions low for another 30 years. Not bad considering all the growth the US was experiencing. The next crisis came in 1850. There once again tensions were cooled. It should be noted that the people of the US were not focused on sectional issues. Life went on and US remained strong as it expanded. For example, the gold rush in California had the attention of the entire nation and the world. North and South of the US were two potential enemies, Mexico and British Canada.

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What is the best example of rising sectional tensions caused by westward expansion in the antebellum America?

The Wilmot Proviso

How did the panic of 1819 lead to sectional tensions and division?

Northern industrialist wanted high tariffs: southern plantation did not. Apex

Which Illinois senator heightened sectional tensions partially to make Chicago the country's transportation hub?

Senator Stephen A. Douglas

What was the source of sectional tensions in the S's?

Sectional tensions in the United States in the 1800s were primarily fueled by differences over slavery. As the country expanded westward, debates arose over whether new territories would allow slavery. This ultimately led to the Civil War, which was fought over the issue of slavery and the balance of power between free and slave states.

Why were tensions high in Eutope on 1914?

The economic factor and the high taxes were some of the causes of high tensions in Europe in 1914.

How did westward expansion increase sectional tensions?

Westward expansion created territories that eventually wished to become States. Every application for Statehood prior to the Civil War increased sectional tension because of the need to balance "free" and "slave" States in Congress.

What was the source of sectional tensions in 1850?

The primary source of sectional tensions in the United States in 1850 was slavery. Northern states and Southern states viewed each other with suspicion based on the very different economic systems in each. Such suspicion led political representatives from North and South to struggle to shape Federal policies that would be favorable to their home-sections of the country and eventually led to Civil War.

Three causes of European expansion?

Three causes of European expansion are; economic causes, internal political stresses, international tensions.