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There are varying reasons why the U.S. went to war with the British. One reason is for the continuing disputes between Great Britain and the U.S. In 1793 and 1803, France declared war with Great Britain. In both instances, the U.S. remained neutral while pursuing overseas commerce with both nations. In 1806, the U.S. passed the Non-Importation Act barring English ships entering U.S. ports. However, later in the year, the Monroe-Pickney Treaty was negotiated in England where concessions were made on both sides: The British recognize America's neutrality and the U.S. will overturn the Non-Imprtation Act. However, the U.S. senate did not ratify this treaty. In 1807, the British ship HMS Leopard fired upon and then boarded an American ship the Chesapeake, carrying off 4 seamen. This was not a major event except the American people became outraged. Also in 1807, both France and England imposed embargoes on all foreign ships. President Jefferson countered with The Embargo Act of 1807 that prohibited American fleet shipping goods to foreign ports and as he always had a good relationship with France, he prohibited British ships to enter U.S. ports. In 1811, two War Hawks, Speaker of the House Henry Clay and Representatives John C. Calhoun wanted to go to war with the British. Their reasoning was that the British fleet interfering with American shipping fleets and injuring trade. The western states laid claim that the British are instigating the Native Americans. During the 1812 presidential election, Madison made a speech offering the people reasons for a war with Britain. On June 18, 1812, the senate approved, by a small margin, to go to war with Great Britain. Since President Madison approved of this measure, critics of the war called it "Madison's War."

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Q: What were the causes and significant results of the War of 1812?
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