

Best Answer
  • Type your answer here... the Weimer republic negotiated with the Versailles peace makers to bring German on board for world peace.
  • the Weimer republic managed to meet the demands of the Versailles peace makers like paying German's war reparations and effecting disarmament within German
  • the Weimer republic introduced democracy in German to replace the former dictatorial monarchy of Kaiser William 11
  • the Weimer republic allowed oher political groups in German to carry out their activities like the Catholic party, the Nazi party etc
  • the Weimer republic tried to extend loans to the business people in German in order to improve on people's standards of living and uplifting the German economy
  • the Weimer republic reduced on the violence that had persisted in German after World War 1 contributing to Law and Order in German
  • the weimer republic made German to jion the league of nations by 1926 and this contributed to European peace before Hitler's rise in 1933
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7y ago

The Weimar Republic was established in 1919 and lasted until Hitler became chancellor and the Nazi party took over to mark the beginning of the third Reich in 1933. The Weimar Republic was different because it was the first democratic government in Germany but it had a very rocky start as it faced many early difficulties such as attacks from the left and right wing parties, economic problems due to reparations and the war and also the invasion of the Ruhr.

During the Weimar period there was many achievements for the economy Such as the creation of a new currency after the period of hyperinflation in 1923. This was brought about by Stresemann who although Chancellor for only a few months, was a leading member of every government from 1923-1929. He was a more skilful politician than Ebert, and, as a right-winger, he had wider support. He was also helped by the fact that through the 1920s the rest of Europe was gradually coming out of its post-war depression. Slowly but surely, he built up Germany's prosperity again. Under the Dawes Plan, reparations payments were spread over a longer period, and 800 million marks in loans from the USA poured into German industry. By 1927 German industry seemed to have recovered very well. In 1928 Germany finally achieved the same levels of production as before the war. Reparations were being paid and exports were on the increase. Other achievements were the Young Plan in 1929, which reduced the sum of reparations that were to be paid to a more manageable amount. The increased investment did however cause some issues that only surfaced towards the end of the 1920s one of which was the fact that Germany's economy relied entirely upon American loans and the moment those loans were recalled all industry would collapse.

During the years of flourishing industry and prosperity in Germany many extremist groups like the Nazis and the Communists lost support and the Weimar Republic was trusted more by the public. The Nazis and Communists were said to be in the political wilderness, for example Hitler's Nazis gained less than three per cent of the vote in the 1928 election.

In 1925 the Locarno treaties were signed which brought great calm to Europe because they stated that Germany would agree to the new international borders set out by the Treaty of Versailles. As a sign of improving foreign policy Germany was allowed to join the League of Nations in 1926. This illustrates how the people at the time were beginning to forgive Germany and to allow them back into society. The Kellogg-Briand pact was also signed by Germany in which they agreed not to turn to war as a method for solving international disputes. As another sign of further improving international relations the Allied Army of Occupation was withdrawn from Germany.

The Weimar Government also led to a flourish in Germany's culture because censorship was all but eliminated. It was a vibrant period for theatre, films and other art. Unfortunately some people believed that it was disgraceful because people were able to freely discuss topics that had previously been banned because they believed that it was taking down the morality and integrity of Germany.

The Weimar Republic had many achievements in the 1920s improving many peoples lives, but not all after having overcome the early difficulties of a democratic government.

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11y ago

The aim of the Weimar Republic was to essentially rebuild the shattered German government after the First World War. In order to do this, they successfully brought in a new form of currency which helped make money valuable again after hyperinflation.

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12y ago

The Weimar republic was established in 1919 and lasted until Hitler became chancellor and the Nazi party took over to mark the beginning of the third Reich in 1933. The Weimar republic was different because it was the first democratic government in Germany but it had a very hard start as it faced many early difficulties such as attacks from the left and right wing parties.

During the years of flourishing industry and prosperity in Germany many extremists groups like the Nazis and the communists lost support and the Weimar republic was trusted more by the public. The Nazis and communists were said to be in political wilderness, for example, Hitler's Nazis gained less than three per cent of the vote in the 1928 election.

In 1925 the Locarno treaties were signed which brought great calm to Europe because they stated that Germany would agree to the new international borders set out by the treaty of Versailles as a sign of improving foreign policy Germany was allowed to join the league of Nations in 1926. This illustrates how people at the time were beginning to forgive Germany and to allow them back into society. The Kellogg-Briand pact was also signed by Germany in which they agreed not to turn to war as a method for solving international relation the Allied Army of occupation was withdrawn from Germany.

The Weimar Government also led to a flourish in Germany's culture because censorship was all but eliminated. It was a vibrant period for theatre, films and other art. Unfortunately some people believed that it was disgraceful because people were able to freely discuss topics that had previously been banned because they believed that it was taking down the morality and integrity of Germany.

The Weimar Republic had many achievements in the 1920s improving many people's lives, but not all after having overcome the early difficulties of a democratic government.

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Adolf Hitler, he disintegrated the republic in 1933. Before him was Gustav Stresemann i think.

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The Weimar Republic was born in 1919.

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