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Q: What were the Spaniards who explored the Americas called?
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What year did the Spaniards arrive?

The Spaniards arrived in the Americas in 1492.

Who were th eoropeans that explored Florida?

The Spaniards.

What regions in the present-day US did Spaniards explored?

They traveled what is now called New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Kansas. :) ♥

What tribe did the Spaniards first encounter?

The first tribe that the Spaniards encountered in the Americas was the Taino tribe in the Caribbean islands.

Which continents were explored by which countries?

Europe explored Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. Spain and Portugal were the first to explore the Americas, while France and England explored North America. The Dutch were known for exploring Asia, and Britain explored Australia and New Zealand.

Which motivation led European sailors to explore the Americas?

Initially Europeans explored the Americas in search of gold, silver and precious stones.

What did Christopher Columbus do after he explored Spain?

he explored the Americas and he went back to Spain and gave the queen his notes that was then published and he then brought a lot more people back to the Americas

What was the name of the spanish military explorers that explored the Americas?


Which explored the Americas and what did they find?

Christopher Columbus in 1492.

Why did the Spaniards conquer Americas?

The Spaniards conquered the Americas in search of wealth, power, and new trading opportunities. They were driven by a desire to spread Christianity and extract valuable resources from the Americas, such as gold and silver. The conquest of the Americas also allowed Spain to expand its empire and exert control over the indigenous populations.

Who explored the west coast of Americas for England?

henery hudson

What were the first people in Spain called?

The people of Spain are called Spanish or Spaniards.