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The major effect of the Great Depression and the New Deal on America was expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and the creation of more social assistance agencies at the national level. The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically. The government took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the people. The New Deal programs of FDR also created a liberal political alliance made up of labor unions, blacks and other ethnic and religious minorities, intellectuals, the poor, and some farmers. These groups became the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades following the Depression. As the federal government grew with new agencies and reform attempts, the cost of government increased. The grow of the government continued following the New Deal.

The Great Depression and the New Deal measure led to the domestic programs of JFK's New Frontier, and LBJ's Great Society and War on Poverty. The New Deal measures have also an influence on the current Obama administration, in its attempts to stimulate the economy.

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13y ago

There were actually two new Deals from FDR, the first was 1933-34 and the second was 1935-1936. Although FDR is given credit for getting us out of the Depression, it actually caused it to last for 7 years. The Depression didn't happend until 1933. FDR just continued Hoover's policies of government intervention. The World War got us out of the depression.

FDR closed over 5,000 banks in which only 3,000 were only to re-open. He decided the gold standard by choosing the number 21 because it was "a lucky number". FDR also started the IRA, a program that was headed by Mussolini lover General Johnson. They raided factories and closed businesses for not charging people enough money or they didn't pay the employees government mandated pay.

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10y ago

I dont know u should be more specific when u ask a question!! but if i knew the answer i would have told but i have no idea what the answer is sorry^_^

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The New Plan

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Q: What were the Four major effects of the New Deal?
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The New Deal

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The major arguments against the New Deal were that the policies would drive the Nation deeper into debt. It also helped create a people dependent on government.

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The Middle class was increasingly angered by the focus on lower class social improvement. The New Deal Worked from the bottom-up. Not until the 2nd new deal did the middle class feel the effects of social security and union-corporation agreement movements proposed by the new deal.

What 1935 legislative initiatives signaled the emergence of the Second New Deal?

Examples of the Second New Deal included the WPA, which was the major relief agency of the New Deal. It was to provide work, not welfare. The major new piece of legislation during the Second New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935. It provided insurance for the aged, unemployed, and disabled and it was based on contributions by both employers and employees.

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The Hoover Dam was not a New Deal reform. It was began by President Hoover, who lost the election to Franklin D. Roosevelt, mostly because of the effects of the Great Depression. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who introduced the New Deal.

What president was elected four times and proposed new deal?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt call his new programs?

The New Deal.

What was the long term effects of the New Deal?

an expansion of a federal welfare system and a reduction of state and local aid

What were the goal of the New Deal?

The New Deal was President Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression. It was designed to relieve the worst effects of the depression, stimulate the economy, and restore Americans' confidence in banks and other institutions.

What were the accomplisments of the Second New Deal?

FDR proposed a new set of economic and social measures to fight unemployment and poverty, and to provide real jobs to decrease the unemployment rate. Examples of the Second New Deal included the WPA, which was the major relief agency of the New Deal. It was to provide work, not welfare. The major new piece of legislation during the Second New Deal was the Social Security Act of 1935. It provided insurance for the aged, unemployed, and disabled and it was based on contributions by both employers and employees.