The Confederate states were Texas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and Virgina made up the Confederate States of America.
The Confederate States during the US Civil War were Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee.
The states which seceded and joined the Confederacy were:
The border states of Missouri and Kentucky were claimed by the Confederacy but effectively remained part of the Union.
Listed below are the eleven Confederate states along with the dates of their secession:
· South Carolina (December 20, 1860)
· Mississippi (January 9, 1861)
· Florida (January 10, 1861)
· Alabama (January 11, 1861)
· Georgia (January 19, 1861)
· Louisiana (January 26, 1861)
· Texas (February 1, 1861)
· Virginia (April 17, 1861)
· Arkansas (May 6, 1861)
· North Carolina (May 20, 1861 )
· Tennessee (June 8, 1861)
As an aside, South Carolina, being the first state to secede, operated an an independent "nation", and set about certain military measures. It thus had a "headstart" on the states that followed their rebellion.
The Confederate States of America.
The American Civil War (US Civil War), like the Vietnam war a hundred years later, was an undeclared war. Another words the Confederacy was not recognized as an independent nation by the US Government.
He was the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. He did not want to secede (separate) from the Union, at first, but supported it after his state seceded. He then became the president of the Confederate States of America and led them into battles during the civil war, but did not succeed. Instead, he lost the war and was thrown into jail.
For most of the US Civil War, Belle Boyd, was in the Confederate states. After her release from Federal prison for being a spy she took shelter in the South.
Confederate States, if the canteen is from the US Civil War. If you are asking about a foriegn non-US canteen or modern canteen, I have no idea.
Lincoln was president for us andjeferson Davis for the confederate states
The Confederate States were the reason for the war. The war was them versus the United States government.
The United States of America fought the Confederate States of America in the Civil war.
In the civil war between North and South, the Southern States in the US was confederate
The Confederate States of America
The Confederate States of America.
The soldiers of the Army of the United States were known as the 'Union' during the US Civil War. The soldiers of the opposing side, the Confederate States Army, were the rebels.The soldiers of the Army of the United States were the 'Union' during the US Civil War. The soldiers of the opposing side, the Confederate States Army were the rebels.
US Civil War 1861-1865.
The Confederate States.
The Union had more states.
The US Civil War was fought between Union forces (Northern States) and Confederate forces (Southern States) from April 1861 to April 1865, ending in a Union victory and Confederate surrender.