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The Egyptians used to perform religious plays.

I found this on a website if this helps at all:

'The Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus, which was published by Kurt Sethe in 1928, was seemingly written by the master of ceremonies and is an account of the coronation or a jubilee of Senusret I, a script of the ritual in which the king took part.[11] It contains, among other things, illustrations of the scenes, the words spoken by the actors representing the various gods and explanatory remarks'

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14y ago

one of the games they play are spinning tops.

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Continue Learning about General History

What are some ancient egyptian games?

Senet, mehen ,snake, and a bunch of other games we don't need to talk about.

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An ancient Egyptian harpist

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There is no ancient Egyptian god Zyopt.

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how did ancient Egyptian life differ from ours

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What are some ancient egyptian games?

Senet, mehen ,snake, and a bunch of other games we don't need to talk about.

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