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There was 3 key results due to the Battle of Berlin. They were that it was a soviet victory, Hitler (Along with his lover and other high ranked Nazis) committed suicide and Germany signed a unconditional surrender on May 2nd. This surrender didn't come into effect fully until May 9th, where fights around and outside of Berlin ended.

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Q: What were the 3 results of the Battle of Berlin?
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What were the results of the Battle of Berlin?

The Russians captured the German Capital . ~ Look to the related link below .

Was the Battle of Berlin fought in Berlin?

Obviously yes as the battle was called 'The Battle of Berlin'. However, there were some fighting still going on the surrounding areas of Berlin.

Where did the Berlin battle take place?

the battle of Berlin was fought in Germany

Where was the Battle of Berlin fought at?

The Battle of Berlin fought was fought is your ANUS

When did Battle in Berlin happen?

Battle in Berlin happened in 1945-05.

When did Battle of Berlin happen?

Battle of Berlin happened on 1945-04-16.

When was Battle of Berlin - film - created?

Battle of Berlin - film - was created in 1973.

What countries where involved in the Battle for Berlin?

Soviet Union and Germany fought in the Battle of Berlin

What was the results of the Battle of Berlin?

Results of Battle of Berlin was; -It was a successful polish and soviet victory. -High ranked Nazis including Hitler commited suicide, to avoid arresting. -The authoritarian government passed to the Feinsburg governent. -Berlin signed a uncodnitional surrender of 2nd May 1945. -Rest of germany signed to a uncondition surrender on 8ty and 9th May 1945. -Ending World War 2 in Europe.

What Germany general won the Battle of Berlin?

No German general won The Battle of Berlin. The Russians defeated the Germans in that battle

Who was Berlin commander in the battle of Berlin?

There were a few commanders, but during modt of the battle it was Helmuth Weilding.

Did the battle of Berlin kill Hitler?

No the Battle of Berlin did not kill Hitler. Hitler committed suicide.