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The two most know sides were the Colonists and the British, though the Indians helped both.

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The Colonists and the British army fought with each other in the American Revolution.

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Q: What were the 2 sides fighting against each other in the American revolution?
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Who were the people involved in the Philippine revolution?

The Philippine American war had Rebel Filipinos fighting against other Rebel Filipinos and against the US Forces, The Philippine constabulary and the Philippine Scouts.

What was 5 major causes of the American revolution?

thye reason why is becuase the other poeple are fighting over a hot smokey lady...

What Are you Fighting in the Iraq war?

the American and ENGLISH soldiers are fighting against the taliban and other mast terrorist groups around the area of Iraq

What are the similarities and differences in the French and Arab revolutions?

The Latin American Revolution was similar to the French Revolution because, as a revolution, the people realized that they were being mistreated and were fighting for what they believed in, as well as equality or more representation. Other similarities include violence and a Napoleonic influence. Differences include that the Latin American Revolution was a revolt against a king by his overseas colonies, while the French Revolution was a revolt of the lower class against the upper class and the King. The Latin American Revolution also was a revolution for freedom and independence (similar to the American Revolution), while the French Revolution was being fought to overthrow the king. Another difference was that after the Latin American Revolution, the church gained power, while after the French Revolution, the church lost power.

Who sided with the british during the American revolution?

The Canadians and most of the other British colonies sided with the British. The Indian tribes near Canada favored the British. A fair number of people in the American colonies were against the revolution-- they were known as Tories. Some of them fled to Canada.

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Who were the people involved in the Philippine revolution?

The Philippine American war had Rebel Filipinos fighting against other Rebel Filipinos and against the US Forces, The Philippine constabulary and the Philippine Scouts.

What was the position of American Rebels in comparison to the position of Loyalists?

The American rebels in the American Revolution were fighting for their rights and their country against the mother country, Britain. On the other hand, the Loyalists remained supportive of Britain against the rebels in the war.

What was 5 major causes of the American revolution?

thye reason why is becuase the other poeple are fighting over a hot smokey lady...

Did American and south Korean troops fought against each other?

No, South Korea and the U.S. were on the same side. Both were fighting against North Korea.

What are the similarities and differences in the French and Arab revolutions?

The Latin American Revolution was similar to the French Revolution because, as a revolution, the people realized that they were being mistreated and were fighting for what they believed in, as well as equality or more representation. Other similarities include violence and a Napoleonic influence. Differences include that the Latin American Revolution was a revolt against a king by his overseas colonies, while the French Revolution was a revolt of the lower class against the upper class and the King. The Latin American Revolution also was a revolution for freedom and independence (similar to the American Revolution), while the French Revolution was being fought to overthrow the king. Another difference was that after the Latin American Revolution, the church gained power, while after the French Revolution, the church lost power.

What Are you Fighting in the Iraq war?

the American and ENGLISH soldiers are fighting against the taliban and other mast terrorist groups around the area of Iraq

What were all the fighting factions of the American Revolution?

Fighting Factions in the American Revolution For independence of the colonies: * Continental Army, local militias, & numerous individual citizens * a few Native American tribes * France & Spain For continued colonial status under Britain: * The British Army & Navy, supported by German troops, mostly from Hesse. * many Native American tribes * numerous individual citizens, some forming local militias & other fighting units * some slaves of southern planters, who were offered freedom for military service.

What other revolutions did the American Revolution influence?

The American Revolution inspired many other revolutions such as the Haitian Revolution and the French Revolution. The American Revolution showed that Revolutions could be started and ended with a good outcome. So the Haitians, Latins, French, and a bunch of other countries revolted.

When did the Revolutionary War started?

Many revolutions have been fought throughout the world the following applies to the American Revolution: The first battle of the American Revolution was in 1775, but the colonists rebelled against England (the British Empire) in other ways before that.

The American revolution indirectly inspired a revolution in which other country?


Why did England not support french revolution?

England and France had been at war with each other for centuries, and France had helped the Americans fight their American Revolution against the English. Therefore, England did not support anything French. Also, no other countries what soever supported the French Revolution.

What is an effect of the American revolution on other countries?

The American Revolution inspired revolutions around the world in years to come.