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Well the Nazis used Zykoln-B for the gas chambers if that's what you mean. Zyklon-B is a greenish pellet when thrown into the air releases a lethal gas.

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Q: What were some supplies used during th Holocaust?
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What are some Jewish names that were used during the holocaust?

Joseph, Sarah, Israel are some names.

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Some of them were killed and others were used for labor Some of them were killed and others were used for labor

What group of people used scapegoats during the holocaust?

Presumably you are referring to the fact that some Jews blamed the Holocaust on those Jews who were not pious enough.

What was used during the Holocaust?

Almost everything that was available was used.

What were the concentration camps used for during the holocaust?

They were used for mass murder by the Nazis.

What guns were used during the Holocaust?

machine guns and rifles

What poison was used during the holocaust?

Zyklon B, I believe.

How was organization used in the holocaust?

Nothing can work without organisation, the same principle held true during the Holocaust.

What is the quarantine during the Holocaust?

quarantine is where they put the Jews that were used to do experiments on them. Some couldn't survived because, they were torture too much.

The entry to adjust for the cost of supplies used during the accounting period is?

debit Supplies Expense; credit Supplies

Were acid showers used during the holocaust?

No they weren't. But gas showers were.

What radio was used during the holocaust?

a wireless most often as it was easier.