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There was no central power to keep everyone together. There wasn't a good way to collect taxes to keep the country going. Trade was very difficult between the states.

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Q: What were some of the time bombs being experienced by the states under the Articles of Confederation?
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Which document made confederation legal?

Confederation is defined as being the creation of loosely assembled states or territories. The Articles of Confederation made this act legal.

What accurately describes the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation are best characterized as a weak constitutional framework. Their existence led directly to the US Constitution being written, however.

What did they call the constitution when it was being ratified?

articles of confederation

Why were the Articles of the Confederation created?

The Articles of Confederation were written in 1776 to establish a framework for the collaboration of the 13 American colonies that were fighting for their freedom from Britain, but was not passed until 1781. A unified government (the United States) was seen as preferable in limited respects. The Articles established powers that the national Congress was given by the states. The document was extremely weak in providing revenue, and could not control the conflicting authority of the separate states. The Articles of confederation was weak because of the people's experience from when they were being ruled by Britain.

Why were people against the original constitution?

If you mean the Articles of Confederation, then they weren't very good laws. One said that the bigger states pay less tax, because of all the people supposedly there. But, say they weren't. The smaller states were being treated unfairly. Then the people who wrote the Articles of Confederation saw their flaws and wrote the Constitution.

Are the articles of confederation still being used?

No they were abolished when the constitution was put into place.

What were the delays in ratification for the Articles of Confederation?

Aside from the Revolutionary War being underway, the problem with the Articles was that they required unanimousratification, i.e. by all thirteen states. This was not accomplished until 1781.Most of the states did not agree with it unless they benefited from it, and they did not care how it affected the other states. Maryland especially wanted Virginia and New York to drop their claims to the Ohio Valley.

Which document established the first government of the United states?

The first federal governemnt for the colonies was enacted from the Articles of Confederation, but they were superceded by the Constitution whichwas written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 (all states had ratified the constitution by 1790 with Delaware being the last to approve it)

Man who represented the US in France when the articles of confederation were being revised?

John Jay

What did the federalists think of the articles of confederation?

they didnt like it and grew very angry. But there was nothing they could do to stop the articles from being law.

What was the most pressing challenge facing the US during the Articles of Confederation period?

The most pressing was likely paying for the operations of the new government, there being no Federal power of taxation granted by the Articles of Confederation.

What did the anti federalists think of the articles of confederation?

they didnt like it and grew very angry. But there was nothing they could do to stop the articles from being law.