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Q: What were some of the resources used for improving conditions for women?
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Seneca Falls Convention?

(took place in upstate New York in 1848 ) Women of all ages and even some men went to discuss the rights and conditions of women. There, they wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote.

What were some conditions of the time that kept anyone from getting very rich?

some of the conditions are that people couldn't sell anything

What natural resources were found in ancient indus valley?

Some natural resources in the Indus are resources like sand and rocks.

Who are some famous women in Bangladesh?

There are many famous women in Bangladesh. Some of these women are actresses Afshan Azad, Bobita, Shabnam, and Sumita Devi.

What are some of the natural resources found in Greece?

your butcheeks

Related questions

What statements best reflects the relationship between the women movement and women in the workplace?

The women's rights movement was between 1848 to 1920. It was referred to as women's suffrage. It had several goals, among them being improving working conditions for women. The suffrage movement improved working conditions and moved women toward getting equal pay for equal work, but even now, there is still some improvements to be made.

Why did some people call Roche powerful businessmen robber barons?

By improving working conditions

What are some resources for abused women in Chicago?

Women's shelters and domestic violence agencies and organizations are of help to abused women in Chicago, as well as any children that these women may have.

What statement best reflects the relationship between the womens movement and women in the workplace?

The statement that best reflects the relationships between the womenâ??s movement and women in the workplace includes the fact that women are now being promoted more. The fact that they are being promoted more often is leading toward a life of better living for them.

What were some of the living and working conditions for slave women in the mid 1800s?

Fugg u answer it yourself

What are some natural resources in the western US?

Titanium. Water. Sun. Nice beaches. Attractive women. Asians.

What are some Natural Resources in western US?

Titanium. Water. Sun. Nice beaches. Attractive women. Asians.

Why natural resources are used?

Natural resources include trees, oil, gold, sand, water, bushes, shrubs, dirt, metals, rocks and anything provided by the Earth. Many companies take advantage of these natural resources by improving them in some way (e.g. by purifying water, or filtering sand) and then selling it again for profit.

Where online can one find some helpful tips on how to attract women?

The internet is full of information on helpful tips to attract women. Some of the most popular online resources are the AskMen, BePenFriends and prweb websites.

Is Viagra used for any medical conditions not related to ED?

Yes. Some men (and women) are prescribed Viagra for asthma.

What was the relationship between the women's rights' and industrialization?

The industrial revolution brought out some of the wors working conditions possible. Women were not only underpaid and over-worked, but also abused in some cases. As the workers pushed for reasonable wages and working hours and conditions, the opportunity for women to gain rights also began to foster. With women such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton leading the charge, there also was the push for equal rights and the right to vote.

How did women gather food in order to survive?

In olden days, people were mainly hunter-gatherers, before the rise of agriculture. Women used the resources available to them while the men in the tribe went out to hunt. Some disadvantages of this is when the resources around them run out they once again have to travel. This is why they are nomadic.