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Q: What were some of the names of the people who came to Plymouth Rock?
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What rock did the pilgrims first land on?

It was NOT, as many people surmise, Fraggle Rock. Nor was it Schoolhouse Rock, Jailhouse Rock, or "Let's Rock!" It was a large boulder that came to be known as Plymouth Rock.

On what ship did the Pilgrims sail to Plymouth rock?

they came on the mayflower

Conflict that arose when the settlers came to Plymouth rock?

can someone figure out the answer please

Why the rock is famous?

Plymouth Rock is the site that the ship The Mayflower came onto shore, carrying the pilgrims. The actual rock is in the state of Massachusetts.

What did theEarly Settlers do mainly?

Well if you are talking about the Pilgrims then they came here in1620 and landed at Plymouth rock in Plymouth Mass. then came and settled here and the Indians helped them grow food.

What kind of people came to Plymouth?

Native Americans

Why Plymouth famous for?

Plymouth Rock is the site that the ship The Mayflower came onto shore, carrying the pilgrims. The actual rock is in the state of Massachusetts.

Where did the pilgrims come from?

Netherlandsthe pilgrims came from Plymouth before they came to the new world which is now called America booAnswer 2 by Terrier23: The pilgrims first came from Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts. Also, the Pilgrims founded America in 1620, but they were not the first to found it. Christopher Columbus was and Christopher Columbus founded America in 1492.The Mayflower sailed from England so most of its passengers would have been English.

How many people originally came to Plymouth colony?

One hundred and one

Examples of the words which came from names of people?

Some examples would be Levi's and boycott which both came from names of people

Where are people names came from?

Their parents.

Where did the pilgrams land in America?

A search party first landed on Nauset Beach or now Coast Guard Beach. But the land was not suitable so they left after a day