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Q: What were some of the major intellectual changes that led to the Enlightenment?
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What religions and intellectual developments led some Europeans and some Americans to question and criticize the institution of slavery?

The religious and intellectual developments that led some Europeans and some American to question and criticize the institution of slavery were the crusades and the Enlightenment and Revolution. The eighteenth century crusade against slavery originated from the changes in religious and intellectual outlooks on slavery among small but influential groups in both America and Europe. The Enlightenment questioned the wisdom of having existing institutions that it chewed away at older defenses of slavery (mostly the unchanging social hierarchy). The general Enlightenment rhetoric of equality stood in sharp contrast to the radical inequality of slavery.

How did enlightenment thinkers inspire revolutionaries to push for radical changes in government and society?

Enlightenment thinkers wanted the discovery of truth to be through the observation of nature, rather than Aristotle and the Bible. Some also wanted freedom and natural rights.

Which of these is the best evidence that the Earth's crust has undergone some major changes?

The presence of marine fossils in mountain rock

What are some social issues during the Enlightenment?


What were some inventions that brought about major changes in the way people lived in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

The invention of the steam train is one of the inventions that brought major changes in the lives of people in the late 1800's and early 1900's.

Related questions

What religions and intellectual developments led some Europeans and some Americans to question and criticize the institution of slavery?

The religious and intellectual developments that led some Europeans and some American to question and criticize the institution of slavery were the crusades and the Enlightenment and Revolution. The eighteenth century crusade against slavery originated from the changes in religious and intellectual outlooks on slavery among small but influential groups in both America and Europe. The Enlightenment questioned the wisdom of having existing institutions that it chewed away at older defenses of slavery (mostly the unchanging social hierarchy). The general Enlightenment rhetoric of equality stood in sharp contrast to the radical inequality of slavery.

How did enlightenment despots contribute to the enlightenment?

The Enlightened Despots used their power to bring about some political changes as well as social.

What are some changes that occurred because of enlightenment ideas?

The Enlightenment led to major changes in political thought, such as the belief in individual rights, democracy, and the separation of powers. It also influenced advances in science and technology, leading to the development of new scientific methods and a more rational approach to understanding the world. Additionally, the Enlightenment challenged traditional authority and promoted the values of reason, tolerance, and progress.

What were some occupations for the enlightenment?

During the Enlightenment period, some common occupations included philosophers, scientists, writers, artists, and politicians. These individuals played key roles in advancing knowledge, promoting reason, and shaping societal norms during this intellectual movement.

What intellectual developments led to the enlightenment?

Some key intellectual developments that led to the Enlightenment include the Scientific Revolution, which emphasized observation and reason; the Renaissance, which promoted humanism and a focus on individual potential; and the Protestant Reformation, which challenged traditional religious authority. These movements helped to shift thinking towards an emphasis on reason, skepticism, and the importance of individual rights and freedoms.

Who were the European enlightenment thinkers?

Some of the key European Enlightenment thinkers include Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, and Adam Smith. They were influential philosophers, writers, and economists whose ideas helped shape the intellectual movement of the Enlightenment, promoting reason, individual rights, and progress.

What was the role in enlightenment society of women?

Women in Enlightenment society were often confined to traditional gender roles as wives and mothers, with limited access to education and opportunities for intellectual growth. However, some women played important roles as salon hostesses, writers, and thinkers, challenging societal norms and contributing to the spread of Enlightenment ideas. Despite these contributions, women still faced significant discrimination and barriers to full participation in intellectual and public life.

What intellectual developments led to the emergence of the Enlightenment?

Some key intellectual developments that led to the emergence of the Enlightenment include the Scientific Revolution, which stressed empirical observation and reason to understand the natural world, as well as the rise of humanism and individualism that encouraged critical thinking and questioning of traditional authority. The Enlightenment also drew on the ideas of prominent thinkers such as Descartes, Locke, and Newton who promoted rationalism, empiricism, and the belief in human progress through reason and education.

What were the main problems with the enlightenment?

Some of the main problems associated with the Enlightenment were the perpetuation of Eurocentrism and the marginalization of non-Western societies, the exclusion of women and marginalized groups from participating fully in intellectual discourse, and the belief in the supremacy of reason leading to a dismissal of emotions and spirituality. Additionally, the Enlightenment's promotion of progress and rationality contributed to colonialism and imperialism.

What did European peasants do during the Enlightenment?

European peasants during the Enlightenment period were primarily focused on their daily agricultural tasks and survival. They were often illiterate and did not have much access to the intellectual and scientific advancements of the time. However, some did start to participate in movements for social and political reform, influenced by the ideas of the Enlightenment.

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Is The enlightenment a religious movement?

The Enlightenment was not a religious movement but rather a cultural, intellectual, and philosophical movement that emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. It sought to challenge traditional religious authority and promote secular thinking. While some Enlightenment thinkers were critical of organized religion and promoted secular humanism, others sought to reconcile reason with faith.