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God, Glory and Power, land , and the Northwest passage.

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Cullen Jacobs

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God, Glory and Power, land , and the Northwest passage.

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Q: What were some of the main reasons for English colonization of the America?
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What were two main reasons that the French established colonies in the America?

the war and treaty of paris

What were the main contours of English colonization in the seventeenth century?

English colonization was shaped by the entrepreneurs who wanted to make a fortune, religious minorities wanting to worship w/o governmental interference and to create societies based on biblical teachings, and aristocrats wanting to recreate feudalism. Lots of people just wanted gold! :) Hope this helps :)

What are the lasting effects of Spanish French and English colonization in the US?

Looking at today there are not too many lasting effects. The United State language (English) is a lasting effect because we are all mainly immigrants from Britten. Food is another lasting effect. While we have mainly different foods in America our main staples like meats and dairy's are all from past knowledge when we where British.

What were the two main purposes for which England set colonies in north America?

Colonies were settled in North America by the English primarily to take advantage of the rich natural resources (timber, pelts, and land for growing crops such as tobacco). However, some English settlers, such as the Quakers who founded Pennsylvania and the Separatists who took part in founding Plymouth, came to North America to escape religious persecution in England.

What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was a statement of US foreign policy which warned European powers in particular not to attempt any further colonization in North and South America. Its purpose was to stronglydiscourage such colonization by making the US position clear to all and hopefully make any further action unnecessary.

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bhikl ju

What was the main focus of French exploration and colonization through the 17th century in North America?

The lucrative Northern fur trade

The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

To declare that the colonies in N. America were seceding from the English government under King George III. And it outlined the reasons why the colonialists were doing that.

Least 3 main reasons for colonization in north America?

The Europeans were motivated to claim land in North America because of the wealth of natural resources, the rumors of gold and the expansion of their respective empires. England, France and Spain were all fighting to create the largest, wealthiest empire.

What were the reasons that English settlers went to North America?

They didn't have to exactly. But there were many reasons the English started to immagrate to North America. The original main reason is to start 'a new life'. Meaning they were unsuccessful in England so they wanted to start over in America. Another reason is separation from the catholic church. They didn't have to exactly. But there were many reasons the English started to immagrate to North America. The original main reason is to start 'a new life'. Meaning they were unsuccessful in England so they wanted to start over in America. Another reason is separation from the catholic church.

Which are the two dispersals of English?

The two main dispersals of English are the colonial dispersal, which spread English through colonization and trade, and the linguistic dispersal, which includes the spread of English through media, technology, and global communication.

One of the main reasons for America's imperialistic moves was _______.?

the need for new places to get raw materials

Who were the main European colonizers of the America's?

The European invasion and colonization into the America's to three primary empires; Spain, Portugal and the British. Smaller colonies from the Dutch, Swedes and Russians were also to be found in North America.

What three things did monroe pledge?

The three main concepts are non-intervention, non-colonization and separate spheres of influence for Europe and America.

What is the main European language spoken in South America?


What were England's main motives for exploring and colonizing America?

The main reasons for England's exploration, and colonization of the 13 Colonies can be summarized as follows: A. The British empire believed that it could strengthen its power in the world by acquiring more territory. In the case of the 13 Colonies, the control of these strongholds prevented France from becoming the main sphere of influence in North America; and B. The British sought the farmlands in which it could grow tobacco and cotton. These were two important products in the New World.

What were two main reasons that the French established colonies in the America?

the war and treaty of paris