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Q: What were some of the anti-semitic decrees imposed upon the Jews in Germany?
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How did the Nuremberg Laws push the Jews out of Germany?

It wasn't the Nuremberg Laws that forced Jews out of Germany, but the endless hailstorm of decrees banning them from one occupation after another.

What is the that means racial discrimination against Jews?

Antisemitic is the term used.

Why Jews are called anti-semantics?

Semantics are symbols to express logical expression, Jews are a race of people from the middle-east Asia. Both words seem to be a mismatch. It is probably you have mistaken a word for the another. <><><><> If the word you were looking for is antisemitic, Jews are not- they were the Semites. People that dislike Jews are antisemitic.

How the did Hitler to convince the German people to kill offf all the Jews?

There's misunderstanding here. The German people were not told about the killings and many Germans had only a vague inkling, if that, that the Jews were being exterminated. Moreover, the antisemitic policies of the Nazi regime were not even particularly popular among most Germans. This was one of the main reasons that the extermination of the Jews and others was carried out in secret.

What law did Adolf Hitler create to control Jewish people?

While no one specific law gave the Chancellor of Germany control of German Jews, the Nuremberg Laws established Jews as second class citizens and made marriages between Jews and Gentiles illegal. ____ Between 1933 and 1943 the Nazi regime issued about 430 anti-Jewish decrees for Germany alone. See the related question.

Related questions

What were some of the antisemetic decreases imposed upon the Jews in Germany?

Antisemetic decreases were imposed upon the Jews in Germany. They were forbidden to marry and forbidden to hold political offices.

How did the Nuremberg Laws push the Jews out of Germany?

It wasn't the Nuremberg Laws that forced Jews out of Germany, but the endless hailstorm of decrees banning them from one occupation after another.

Put Nuremberg laws in a sentence?

The Nuremberg Laws were a set of antisemitic laws enacted by Nazi Germany in 1935, which stripped Jews of their citizenship and legal rights, leading to widespread discrimination and persecution.

What is the that means racial discrimination against Jews?

Antisemitic is the term used.

Why Jews are called anti-semantics?

Semantics are symbols to express logical expression, Jews are a race of people from the middle-east Asia. Both words seem to be a mismatch. It is probably you have mistaken a word for the another. <><><><> If the word you were looking for is antisemitic, Jews are not- they were the Semites. People that dislike Jews are antisemitic.

Hatred of jews because they practice the jewish faith?

that was why early Christians were antisemitic.

Were the Ghetto's controlled by the Jews?

they were administered by Jews and Jews had nominal control, but ultimately they had to follow Nazi decrees.

Why did the Nazi's make the Nuremberg decrees?

to get rid of Jews

Did the Italians help the Germans when they killed the Jews?

The answer is no. Although Italy introduced some antisemitic laws in 1938, the country did not kill Jews.

What was the Nuremberg act?

The Nuremberg Laws were a set of antisemitic and discriminatory laws implemented in Nazi Germany in 1935. They stripped Jews of their civil rights, banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews, and defined who was considered Jewish based on ancestry. These laws paved the way for further persecution and eventually the Holocaust.

Why were Jews persucuted in World War 2?

Because they were Jewish, and the Nazis were antisemitic. (anti-jew)

How did most Jews respond to presecution?

Generally, Jews have responded to increasing Antisemitism in one place or another by moving to a place that is less Antisemitic.