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Aldo Leopold is widely considered one of the most influential conservationists of the 20th century. He was a professor an author a wildlife manager and an environmentalist. He is best known for his book A Sand County Almanac which was published in 1949 and is considered a classic among conservationists. Some of his accomplishments include:

  • Developed the first comprehensive wildlife management plan in the United States which was used by the U.S. Forest Service and helped to preserve and protect millions of acres of land.
  • Formed the Wilderness Society and helped enact the Wilderness Act of 1964 which set aside millions of acres of land for conservation.
  • Developed the land ethic which is the idea that humans should consider themselves part of a larger community of creatures and should treat the land with respect and consideration.
  • Authored numerous books and articles on conservation and wildlife management including "A Sand County Almanac" which is considered a classic.
  • Served as an advisor to the National Park Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Audubon Society.

Aldo Leopold\'s accomplishments and legacy continue to be felt today. His ideas and writings are still highly relevant and his work is still considered groundbreaking by modern conservationists.

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Cory Rohan

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