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He faced hard travels scurvy and lots of disease, a bad crew, hard weather, and a crappy pay

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Q: What were some obstacles Sebastian Cabot faced on his journey?
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What did John Cabot's obstacles?

Some obstacles that John Cabot faced were:inadequate maps and navigational toolsdisease and starvationfear of the unknownlack of adequate supplies

What is 2 obstacles explorers faced on their journey?

weather and hunger

What was John Cabot's obstacles?

John Cabot's obstacle was that he faced strong eastern winds when trying to find the Northwest Passage to the Indies.

What issues did Cabot face during his travel?

in his journey he faced.................................................MAD SNAIL DISSES from GARRY THE MAD SNAIL

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Explorers faced challenges such as harsh terrain, extreme weather conditions, lack of provisions, and encountering hostile indigenous populations.

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She has faced many deaths of family members and she was raped.

What were the difficulties and obstacles John Cabot faced during his trip that brought him presumably to Newfoundland?

According to the DDS John Cabot Project website, the voyage faced violent storms, strong winds, and food and water shortages. John Cabot's first trip was a failure. He had to turn back on his first voyage because of "storms, food shortages, and problems with his crew". The Atlantic Ocean in the northern region is unforgiving, with heavy waves, violent storms, strong winds, and strong currents. John Cabot, his son, and the crews of his fleet of ships were lost at sea.

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