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One invention was the telescope, invented by Galileo Galilei. (NOT TRUE, THE TELESCOPE WAS ONLY IMPROVED BY HIM!) *A fully functioning telescope was already made, but Galileo improved it greatly. He increased the magnification by very large strides. Isaac newton made an impact on astronomy during the scientific revolution by defining the laws of motion and universal gravitation. He used these laws to predict the planets' revolution around the sun and the motion of stars. Newton created the first reflecting telescope.

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11y ago

The three most important inventions during the Scientific Revolution are microscopes, telescopes, and thermometers.

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9y ago

The mechanical calculator was invented by Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) in 1642. The octant was invented by John Hadley (1682-1744) and served as a pre-cursor to the sextant.

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Some inventions were the telescope that was improved by Galileo Galilei.

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The steam engine.

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peanut butter is a vegtable.

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Q: What were some European inventions during the Industrial Revolution?
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What were the major inventions during the Industrial Revolution?

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during the Industrial Revolution included armed conflicts such as the Chinese

What inventions were made during the industrial revolution in 1820 to 1860?

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Older inventions had vast improvements made on them.

What inventions were made for the household during the Industrial Revolution?

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What is an agricultural revolution?

Agricultural revolution is when people began to domesticate plants and animals resulting in a reliable food supply. Many inventions were created during this time period, helping to invoke the industrial revolution.

How did inventions affect?

Inventions affected society both in good ways and bad like in the industrial revolution the invention of the clock, train, factories, cars and more. A lot of polution happened during the industrial revolution, because of the trains. A lot of inventions have effected society. It took us to where we are now and including our awful polution by the same invention back then, the car.