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Q: What were some British difficulties during the battle of Britain?
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Who was the british leader during the battle of Britain?

Winston Churchill was the British leader during Battle of Britain.

What british leader encouraged the british to keep fighting during the battle of Britain?

Winston Churchill

How many British planes were destroyed in August in the Battle of Britain?

It is estimated that Britain lost about 900 aircraft during the Battle of Britain and Germany lost in the region of 1700.

The battle between the German Luftwaffe and the british air force is know as?

Battle of Britain during summer of 1940.

Who was the British Prime Minister during the Battle of Britain?

Winston Churchill

Did the British help Germany during Dunkirk?

No, Britain were fighting against Germany. The battle of Dunkirk was actually a British and French retreat.

During what battle did great Britain hold out against an attack from the German Luffwaffe?

Known as the "Battle of Britain", the Germans hoped to destroy the British Air Forces, and by gaining air superiority, to be able to invade Britain. They failed.

What country attacked Britain in the battle of Britain answer?

Germany attacked Britain during the Battle of Britain.

During what event did the british hold off a Germany attack?

They call it the Battle of Britain. The Brits were prepared for months.

What was the average age of pilots during battle of Britain?

The average age for pilots during the battle of britain was 20

What was in charge of Britain during the battle of Britain?

The Prime Minister at the time of the Battle of Britain was Winston Churchill.

Where were the Germans defeated by the british air force during World War 2?

In the Battle of Britain, right over Britain's coast (the first major victory for the Allies).