She was the mother of two children. She made the flag for George Washington. The mayor of Philadelphia bridge named her in honor. note:
Evidence that Ross did in fact make flags for the government includes a receipt for her making "ship's colours" for the Pennsylvania Navy in May 1777, as well as a folded star pattern with her name found in a Philadelphia Quaker Society safe. Whether or not Ross made the "first" stars and stripes has never been proven, however. According to the family legend, many women were making flags when Betsy received her first order. Francis Hopkinson also took credit for the design of the stars and stripes, which was partially acknowledged by Congress.
Some schools and libraries were named after Betsy Ross. The flag that she sewed was called the Betsy Ross Flag.
lizze ross
Mom and Dad Her children Her husbands
Betsy ross did have some hobbies and two were sewing and un-sewing materials
Although the colonies had many different flags in the early days of the revolution, Betsy Ross lays claim to the stars and stripes. Her design was so simple and powerful that it was universally adopted.
Some schools and libraries were named after Betsy Ross. The flag that she sewed was called the Betsy Ross Flag.
lizze ross
Mom and Dad Her children Her husbands
her house
Betsy ross did have some hobbies and two were sewing and un-sewing materials
Although the colonies had many different flags in the early days of the revolution, Betsy Ross lays claim to the stars and stripes. Her design was so simple and powerful that it was universally adopted.
Contrary to the popular story, there is no historical evidence that Betwy Ross designed a U. S. flag. There are receipts showing that she did sew some flags for the Navy.
"Today the American knight holds the commercial supremacy of the world"
yes Betsy Ross did make the first flag... some senators came by her house and had a meeting with her and they ask if she could make there flag and that's now the flag we use today
In the past she was credited with designing and sewing the first American Flag. Later historians cast doubt on this story, and some believe she even fraternized with British officers.
Creative because George Washington wanted a star with 6 points when Elizabeth (Betsy) wanted a 5 point star.
She died of sexual abuse from her father1778.Betsy Ross got HIV so she died . Also some people say that she got very sick from john clay pole from sexual inter course. and got humped so much. and got rapped