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Pages were young boys that helped out in the castle running small errands. A squire was the assistant of a knight. A squire would help dress the knight in armor and care for the weapons and the horse.

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Q: What were pages and squires?
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What are knights in training called?

At first they were pages and then squires.

Who prepared medieval knights for their role?

In medieval times the knight was attended by his squires. The knight was training these squires in the martial arts as well as court etiquette. In theory the squires would dres the knight for battle, however as the squire was also going into battle it is more likely they were dressed by the pages or common retainers.

When did squires live?

squires are 13-14 years old

What hardships did squires face Where did squires live What did squires eat?

squires were actually knights in training. They were Pages at the age of 7 and became Squires at the age of 14. Squires were a knights personal servant until they were 21 years old when they were dubbed a knight. Squires had to learn how to fight, dress the knight for battles and clean the knights armour. They lived with the knight in fairly wealthy houses .As for the food i do not know they were fairly well up in society, normally from familys of lords etc so i assume they ate upper middle class medieval food. In medieval they ate peacocok,dolphin, quail, dove etc (and yes it does sound disgusting but they were classified as delicasys then) and for dessert generally jelly in the shape of a castle etc to show great wealth and prosperity. I am a year 8 student studying medieval times so this is just whats in my textbook and what ive been taught.

How old did you have to be to page in medieval times?

The age at which someone could become a page in medieval times varied, but typically boys would begin their training as pages between the ages of seven and ten. However, in some cases, boys as young as five or six may have been taken as pages. The exact age would depend on factors such as their social status and the region they were in.

Related questions

What are knights in training called?

At first they were pages and then squires.

Do pages have squires?

no.pages are 7 years old. until year 13-14 their now squires from 13-14 to 21 their knights.-jesse trademark. .ood -luck to you ha.

Before they could become a knight young men would learn skills by serving as pages and?


How old are pages in the Middle Ages?

Pages usually began their training at about age seven or eight. They served as pages for seven years, typically. After that they spent seven years or so as squires, and then they became knights.

Is a page before or after a squire?

A page is typically ranked lower than a squire in the traditional feudal hierarchy. Pages were boys in training for knighthood, while squires were assistants to knights.

Who prepared medieval knights for their role?

In medieval times the knight was attended by his squires. The knight was training these squires in the martial arts as well as court etiquette. In theory the squires would dres the knight for battle, however as the squire was also going into battle it is more likely they were dressed by the pages or common retainers.

What is the birth name of Cole Squires?

Cole Squires's birth name is Cole Robert Squires.

What is the birth name of Emily Squires?

Emily Squires's birth name is Emily Hull Squires.

What is the birth name of Jimmy Squires?

Jimmy Squires's birth name is Squires, Don Jeremy.

What is the birth name of Dorothy Squires?

Dorothy Squires's birth name is Squires, Edna May.

How tall is Jimmy Squires?

Jimmy Squires is 5'9".

When was Bruce Squires born?

Bruce Squires was born in 1910.