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It was basically North and South Korea that's it

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Q: What were important cities in the Korean War?
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The Korean war began at what cities?

The Korean war stated at the North - South border, not in any city.

What does the Korean War Memorial look like?

the korean war memorial is a statue of a korean man with a shord

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The Yalu River was important during the Korean War because it was the border for the Chinese mainland.

Why Korean war is important in Canadian history?

because it was a peace keeping and liberation war

What important events happened during the Cold War between 1952 to 1953?

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Where did the war located during the Korean war?

It was on the Korean Peninsula. That's why it is called the Korean War.

What was the next war after Korean war?

The Korean War was followed by the Vietnam War.

Who the Korean War?

The Korean War was fought to a stalemate.

What does Korean War mean?

The war of the Korean lol

Who were the important military personnel in the Korean War?

For the US: GEN's MacArthur, Ridgeway, Walker

How many Korean citizens died in the Korean War?

See website: Korean War

Who was the most decorated US soldier in the Korean War?

See Korean War Facts or Korean War Educator.