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They suffered from death and sickness.And lost family members

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Q: What were hardships the north and south faced during the civil war?
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What are two challenges that faced the north during the civil war?

Prospect of Britain and France sending military aid to the Confederates. Mid-war General Election, with serious risk of Lincoln being voted out.

What is the name of the north during the civil war?

The Union

What was the north called during the Civil war?


What was the capital of the North during the Civil War?

Washington D.C.

What were the women left to do in the north and south during the civil war?

They served as volunteer nurses in military hospitals during the civil war.

Related questions

Who experienced greater hardships during the civil war the north or south?


What faced the north after the civil war?

The north faced reconciliation with the south.

What was the cause of the difficulties faced by Texans during the Civil War?

They dinted have as good as rifles as the north, and they where losing more men than they where geting.

What are early hardships for South Carolina?

South Carolina's early hardships included Indian hostilities. The Native American Indians of this region were more hostile to the first settlers than others to the north. There was also strife later on when North and South both wanted to have outposts there during the Civil War.

Which region -North or South- experience greater hardships during the war?

obvious south

Who was governor of North Carolina during most of the civil war?

Zebulon Vance served as North Carolina's governor during the Civil War.

What were the principle products of the north during civil war?

The three principle products of the North during the Civil War were, textiles, lumber, and clothing.

What were the principle products of the north during the civil war?

The three principle products of the North during the Civil War were, textiles, lumber, and clothing.

What was the two hardships during the civil war?

South- Transportation and importing/exporting goods North- Generals because they were either terrible or caused many casualties and 1/3 of Military officers resigned and join the Confederacy

What hardships did Robert de lasalle have?

Robert de La Salle faced numerous hardships during his exploration of North America, including harsh weather conditions, hostile encounters with Native American tribes, conflicts with his own crew members, lack of provisions, and navigation challenges. He also struggled with securing the necessary funding and support for his expeditions.

Did Ohio fight for the south or the north during the civil war?


Who won the north or the suth during the civil war?

The NORTH won