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The characteristics were the lights and dark of the art, also Baroque art included models with twisted bodies with uncontrolled poses.

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Q: What were general visual characteristics of Baroque art?
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Decrive baroque art?

The baroque art period was the time of the Scientific Revolution and Age of Absolutism. Among the general characteristics of baroque art are a sense of movement, energy, and tension (whether real or implied).

Which characteristics are NOT typical of baroque art?

movement,energy and drama

What is art in general or visual arts?

Visual art is art you can see like paintings and sculptures.

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What was the major feature in Baroque art?

dramatic presentation

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What was a major part of baroque art?

Baroque art portrayed its subjects as larger-than-life, over-the-top, and ostentatious. Especially in France, royal portraiture in the Baroque period was a kind of propaganda designed to impress the general populace with their monarch's physical beauty, wealth, and power. Chiaroscuro, or clair-obscur, is a term heavily associated with Baroque art. Meaning "light-shadow," chiaroscuro refers to the dramatic play of light and dark in a work of art. This technique is seen very clearly in the art of Caravaggio.

What were the visual characteristics of art and design produced by the Dutch art group known as De Stijl?

They eliminated all colors except primaries.

What has the author B R Vipper written?

B. R. Vipper has written: 'Baroque art in Latvia' -- subject(s): Art, Baroque Art

Difference between mannerism and baroque art?

Baroque art has more emotion and is very dramatic. There is a lot of movement and energy, unlike mannerism/Renaissance art which is controlled and idealistic. While both are very decorative, baroque art is much more realistic that mannerism. Another characteristic of baroque art is there is a lot of symmetry and 3D shapes. Extremes of light are used.

What does the word baroque mean in terms of baroque art?

Baroque means exuberant in Italian. Violin Girly