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Q: What were eastern woodland wigwams made out out?
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What kind of homes did the eastern woodland live in?

the eastern woodland enviorment was hot and humid.

What is the shelter of the eastern woodland people?

long houses and maybe wigwams.

What do eastern woodland Indians build?

they mostly build longhouses and wigwams

What kinds of homes did the Eastern Woodland Indians live in?

The Eastern Woodland Indians lived in various types of homes, including longhouses made of wood and bark, wigwams made of saplings and birch bark, and chickees built on stilts with thatched roofs. They adapted their dwellings to their environment and the resources available to them.

What did woodland Indians live in?

Woodland Indians lived in wigwams and longhouses

What kind of homes did the woodland live in?

Berch Bark wigwams

What did the eastern woodlands look like?

Eastern Woodlands houses were rounded at the top. The people of this area lived in wigwams. During certain times of year many wigwams were set up in a community. When the weather turned colder, fewer lived in each community.

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What do you call dome-shaped framed houses of the woodland Indians?


What type of homes did the Eastern Inland Cree Indians have?

There were two types of homes the cree people used the woodland culture they lived in villages of birchbark buildings called wigwams. the plain indian life they used tipis made out of large buffalo hide. In the 17th and 18th century the western cree adopted the plains indian life and the eastern Cree kept their woodland culture.

What did the eastern woodlands people live in?
