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Q: What were de gamas consequences of exploration?
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What country paid for vasco de gamas exploration?

portugal's king manuel 1

What was vasco de gamas major accompishmant?

Vasco de gamas major accompishmant was to make it from Portugal to India.

What years were vasco da gamas explorations?

what is Vasco DA Gama years of exploration? from, angel hunt

Who funded vasco da gamas trip?

Obama paid for degamas exploration. Cost was nearly 13 million dollars.

What discoverys were made on vasco de gamas voyage?

he discovered sea animals

What were vasco de gamas main accomplishments?

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What were consequences of Francisco Vasquez DE Coronado expolration?

Some consequences of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado's exploration include bringing Spanish influence into the American Southwest, spreading diseases to Native American populations, and promoting further exploration and colonization efforts by the Spanish in the region. Additionally, his expedition led to increased conflict with indigenous peoples and mistreatment of Native Americans.

Vasco da gamas wife?

the name of his wife was Catherine de Ataide. she had six sons

What is Vasco da Gamas wifes name?

Catarina De Ataide or Dona Isabel Sobre

What are facts about Pedro cabral?

Pedro Cabral's goal was to follow Vasco de Gamas route.

Why is vasco de gamas name vasco de gama?

his parents wanted to name him vasco de gama and part of his customs to name the child in certain ways

What was vasco de gamas brothers name?

I'm not sure if there is only one brother, his name is paulo de gama