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pretty tough.

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no me gusta

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Q: What were cities like during elizabethan time?
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What did sot mean back then like during the Elizabethan time?

It means sorry. :)

What was it like in Elizabethan time?

What life was like during the Elizabethan era depended upon your social and financial status. If you had money and wealth, life was good. If you didn't, you had to work hard.

Who was the Lord Mayor of London during the Elizabethan time?

hi im mort and i like arinna

Where did you purchase food during Elizabethan time?

Market stalls

What were the two major religions during Shakespeare's time in Elizabethan England?

Christianity was the major religion in Elizabethan times.

During what age time was William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was alive during the Elizabethan period. He was the most famous playwrite of his time.

What was the time of Elizabeth 1st called?

The time during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was called the Elizabethan period.

Continuation of Middle Ages during the Elizabethan age?

No or it wouldn't be called "Elizabethan" it would have been called the middle ages. Two different time periods.

What was pre Elizabethan?

Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.

Where did Shakespeare shows his plays during Elizabethan time?

He started off a as a traveller but then he built a theatre which he then performed in.

What Elizabethan attractions where there in Shakespeare's time?

For the first thirty-nine years of Shakespeare's life, all of the attractions he might find in England were "Elizabethan". Working as he did in the red light district of Southwark, I daresay he found some attractions during the Elizabethan Era.

Who hunted during the Elizabethan time period women or men?

Both did. The King's wife or lover often hunted with him.