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Absolute monarchs in Russia were know as the Tsar. pronounced zar, also written as tzar.

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Q: What were absolute monarchs called in Russia?
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What are the absolute monarchs of the roman empire called?

Emperor or Caesar .

What were the absolute monarchs of the Roman Empire called?

ppl using nova net the answer is caesar!!! absolute monarchs of the roman empire were called Caesar.... oh yea im smart... ...actually its Caesar or Emperor =]

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so that yhu can get help with other

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That type of government is called an absolute monarchy.

Why was Catherine the Great an Absolute Monarch?

Peter the great and Catherine the Great were considered great absolute monarchs. The reason for this is that they were interested in making Russia better and stronger.

What were the rulers of Russia called in the past?

An emperor was a tsar. It is also spelt czar. An empress was a tsarina. Also spelt czarina. Tsesarevich is the title given to the son of a tsar. And I know that the last tzar of Russia, Nicholas II, gave his daughters the title of dutchess.

How enlightenment ideas impacted the absolute monarchs?

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European monarchs became absolute rulers in response to?

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Why were so many monarchs in European called Absolute rulers?

they were called absolute rulers because people believe that they have absolute powers granted by god so the people need to follow the rulers. The rulers also have divine-rights and they were responsible to no one but god.