

What were a local lords called?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What were a local lords called?
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I'm pretty sure they are called local lords.

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What did the townspeople demand of their local lords?

The townspeople did not demand anything from the local lords during the Roman empire. Although there were powerful local people, there were no local lords. Perhaps you are getting confused with the situation which existed in the Middle Ages.

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A Lords wife is called a Lady.

What were the characteristics of the feudal system?

Local lords were called daimyo. They retained soldiers called samurai. The top ruling lord in Japan was called the Shogun. The feudal leaders received tribute from the territories they were responsible for.

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The system in which the powerful lords divided their land among lesser lords was called subinfeudation.

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the house of lords.

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they where called lords

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