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i don't have a clue but i do know how he became leader after he crossed the Rubicon river in northern Italy and waged war on the Roman Republic's leader Gnaius Pompey Magnus. After a series of civil wars, Caesar marched on Rome and declared himself Imperator- absolute

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15y ago
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11y ago

The main accomplishment in the career of Caesar as a Roman general was also extremely important to the Roman Republic. This was the conquest of Gaul. The people there were no longer a threat to Rome and in fact became as time wore on good Roman citizens and Gaul was stabilized with Roman laws pertaining to legal & trade matters. It also was a stepping stone to the conquest of Britain and Ireland.

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12y ago

On this time period Rome is not a great nation, Caesar was came he make a new law for civil,military,criminal and he win many nation's so Rome is expanding at this time.

peoples are live safe,rich. many other country peoples are came to Rome for education, sales so many cultures are develop at this time.

so Caesar is the great leader in Rome, He is a Modern Leader in all time.

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13y ago

Julius Caesar had a lot going for him that made him a great commander. He had a good grasp of strategy and the Roman determination to succeed at all costs. He took chances and won. The most important element he had was his rapport with his men. He was known to march on foot right along with them and to personally lead them in battle. He used the experience and wisdom of his centurions, in battle conferences, which other commanders never did. He liked to move and strike quick.

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13y ago

he sked my balls ( . Y . )

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