Ostensibly Mengele was originally challenged with disease-research, but he became obsessed with twins. He believed that if he could identify what causes twins, he would be able to create future stormtroopers for Germany more efficiently, if every pregnancy produced two babies and not one, there would be double the workforce. Some twins survived his research, about 100, but most died, at least 400 and possibly upto 1000, besides the adult population also that Mengele was responsible for the deaths of. Mengele and others were fond of injecting or contaminating subjects with life-threatening or serious diseases and studying the effects, but largely he was obsessed with twins. After the war he was believed to have moved to a particular area of South America because there was an abnormal percentage of twins in that village and it was believed that Mengele had moved to that village for that reason.
No. It is perfectly alright to give a Jewish girl a book about the Holocaust, provided it is an accurate book about the Holocaust (as opposed to a Holocaust Denial book). However, bear in mind that the Holocaust is a depressing topic and so it might be less than optimal to give a Holocaust book as a present on a special occasion.
Final Solution = Hitler's Jewish Holocaust. Special Treatment = Nazi euphemism for killing or extermination.
For the same reasons that 'many people' believe other things that they have not seen. There isn't some special reason.
is an organization with special interests in agriculture, community service, legislative affairs, women, deaf and hard of hearing ...
They are usually referred to as Holocaust victims.
what are the special intrests of fishermen in gwadar
The constitution doesn't, anywhere in its wording, single out and hold back special interests. Rather, it lifts the interest of the whole, the interest of all people, above the interests of smaller groups.
Anal beads
Yes, flowers.
Yes he was.
CBS Schoolbreak Special - 1984 Children Remember the Holocaust 13-2 was released on: USA: 19 December 1995
No. It is perfectly alright to give a Jewish girl a book about the Holocaust, provided it is an accurate book about the Holocaust (as opposed to a Holocaust Denial book). However, bear in mind that the Holocaust is a depressing topic and so it might be less than optimal to give a Holocaust book as a present on a special occasion.
Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.
Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.
Special medical equipment knowledge