

What were Japanese kamikazes?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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11y ago

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Kamikazes were Japanese suicide planes (around 1944-1945) whose pilots deliberately crashed themselves into Allied warships. Japan was faring poorly during the last year of World War II, and out of desperation, trained kamikaze pilots to try to hold off the Allied advance toward Japan. Although they caused a lot of damage, the kamikazes were ultimately unsuccessful in holding back the Allies.

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11y ago

The kamikazes were suicide attacks used by the Japanese in the last stages of World War 2. Lack of experienced pilots and weaponry meant that Japan could not stop the advancing US Navy. So novice pilots were trained to crash their planes (mostly converted trainers) into US ships while carrying a large explosive charge.

The term kamikaze means divine wind, a reference to historic storms that saved Japan from invasions by sailing ships.

The desperate tactic did manage to damage and sink several ships, but US fighters took a devastating toll on the planes. Their pilots, with no parachutes, had no chance to survive. Eventually most of the pilots, planes, and fuel for the missions were exhausted. Had the US invaded Japan, the remaining suicide planes would have been used along with small suicide subs and boats.

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10y ago

Japanese Navy Air Force suicide pilots means "Divine Wind" in Japanese; also called Shinpu, meaning "military might".

Japanese Army Air Force suicide pilots called Tokkotai means "court beautiful death"

Kamikaze pilots were pilots in the Japanese Air Force- most notably during World War 2. Their objective was to fly into American frigates, destroyers and aircraft carriers during the Battle of the Pacific. Each aircraft would be fully loaded with ordinance for maximum damage. They were possibly the world's first suicide bombers.

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11y ago

Suicide planes filled with explosives flown against US Navy ships

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I believe they were called kamikazes.

What were the Kamikazes?

Japanese suicide pilots who crashed their planes into American navy ships in a desperate attempt to win the war. Kamikaze means "Divine Wind" in Japanese.

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Japanese kamikazes

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No, however some Japanese pilots that were shot down or damaged tried to crash their aircraft into something important.

How many kamakazee were there?

During WWII, the IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) expended approximately 2,500 Kamikazes; the IJA (Imperial Japanese Army) expended approximately 1,500 pilots.

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Kamikazes were considered suicide pilots.

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