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The Panzer is the abbreviation for Panzerkampfwagen which means armored combat vehicle. It is a German made tank used in world war 2. It was not the first German tank. Earlier models were used before World War 2 but the panzer at the time made much difference due to the damage the panzer units did to cities. They were used to advance into enemy lines in combat.

The Pzkw I was little more than a machine gun carrier, by the end of WW2 the Tiger, the Pzkw VI, was a terrific fighting vehicle, with great firepower & armour. The Panzer forces were the spearhead of the Blitzkreig. Notable commanders were Guderian, Hoth & Manteuffel. Hitting the Schwerpunct, the impact point, they punch great holes in enemy defenses aided by artilley & close air support. Probably the best tank of the series was the Pzkw V, the Panther, certainly one of the best fighting vehicles in the entire war: The reason for this is the excellent balance of the three requirements of Gun, Armour & Manouvreability.

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12y ago

A Panzer is German for tank, so that means that Panzers were German tanks. They were used like we used tanks, and they ranged from small tanks with just two Machine guns to large tanks with huge guns and armor.

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13y ago

The Panzer tank was Germany's primary armored vehicle. It was one of the best tanks produced and could out maneuver and out gun the allied tanks, which were slower and had thinner armor plating. The Panzer has been used as a model for improved tank design by most modern militaries.

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What were these things called U Boats Airplanes Tanks?

They were German boats used in WWII.

What are tanks that were used in world war 1?

The French built and used the Renaults, fine tanks that the US later built on license. The British built and used the MK series...I, II, III. The British tanks were called males and females; males had cannons, females carried machineguns. The first German tanks were captured allied tanks; they'd paint em up then send em back to their former owners.

How many tanks in german fourth panzer army during the Battle of Stalingrad?

During the Battle of Stalingrad, 1,100 tanks were in the German 4th Panzer Army.

How many German tiger tanks were made during ww2?

Tiger tanks: 1,200+ King tiger tanks: 497

What types of German tanks were used during the battle of the bulge?

Yes. Field Artillery were used at long range and smaller artillery pieces were used for close range by the infantry.

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How many tanks were used during world war 2?

In total, around 285,000 tanks were produced during WW2. Around 185,000 were allied tanks and rest were Axis (mainly German) tanks.

What were these things called U Boats Airplanes Tanks?

They were German boats used in WWII.

How many tanks were used in battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain was an air battle and had no use for tanks unless they were used to subdue downed German pilots which would be a bad use for a tank.

The sudden massave attacks of tanks and airplanes used by German?

The word for this sort of attack is :- blitzkrieg

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In what war battle were tanks used for the first time?

Tanks were first used in combat during the First World War at the battle of the Somme, although the British Mark I tanks which participated were still experimental at the time. armored vehicles were used before the somme. trucks with armour welded to them were used where the terrain would permit. Although tanks were first used at the battle of the Somme, the first time they were used to gain a serious victory was at Cambrai, where British Mark IV tanks equipped with gap crossing bridges manages to smash the German front to pieces along a six-mile line. One of the reasons the Germans lost WW1 was that they were reluctant to make their own tanks and when they did it was too late. At the end of the war, the British and French had over 6,000 tanks and the Germans had only 20! This was all to change in the second world war when the British still used obselete tanks with guns that required them to get much closer to the German tanks than their German counterparts, which could simply fire at them while they closed in. It was not until tanks like the Sherman (Americans) and the T-34 (Russians) were used that the Allies armour got strong enough to rival the Germans.

What are tanks that were used in world war 1?

The French built and used the Renaults, fine tanks that the US later built on license. The British built and used the MK series...I, II, III. The British tanks were called males and females; males had cannons, females carried machineguns. The first German tanks were captured allied tanks; they'd paint em up then send em back to their former owners.

How many tanks in german fourth panzer army during the Battle of Stalingrad?

During the Battle of Stalingrad, 1,100 tanks were in the German 4th Panzer Army.

How did allies respond to German submarines tanks?

By sinking them!