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The Continentals was an army outfit consisting of soldiers from all 13 colonies,

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Q: What were Continentals What does it mean that they depreciated?
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Who were the continentals in the American Revolution?

Who were the Continentals during the Revolutionary War??

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How do you change engines on Lincoln Continentals?

Can Land be depreciated?

Land cannot be depreciated.

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Depreciated. It is a improvement!

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Why did continentals become worthless?

Continentals became worthless because people came to believe that they would not be redeem their bills for gold and silver coins.

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Where is the Varnum Continentals in E Greenwich Rhode Island located?

The address of the Varnum Continentals is: 120 Middle Rd, E Greenwich, RI 02818-2804

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Which tangible fixed assets would not normally be depreciated?

Tangible fixed assets with an infinite life such as land do not need to be depreciated.