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Not only were the Inca people independent but they were on of the largest civilizations to date. and through all of societies latest advancements we can figure out how strong they were

The Inca was an independent city state, where as the Maya and Aztecs weren't. They all had great technologies, but all of them had strong religions.

ALSO (I only studied the Aztec and Maya):

Similarities Differences

-Build temples and sacrificed humans -Aztecs have very basic writing system

-Both in Central America -Aztecs more into war

-Believed in Gods -Aztecs didn't have money

-Main staple of food is maize and corn -Mayans were academically advanced

-Mayans were around longer

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Q: What were 3 similarities and differences between the Aztec Maya and Inca?
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What were 5 similarities and differences between the Aztec Maya and Inca?

you think I know this huh?

What are some differences between the Inca and Aztec?

The Incas were less violent then the Aztecs

What are 2 Aztec and Inca similarities?

Both the Aztecs and Inca were defeated by the Spanish. Both were forced to give the Spanish gold.

What were similarities between the Aztec and Inca?

Both atecs and Incas reched their peakes in the early 16 century

What are the similarities and differences between the Aztec and Inca civilizations?

The Aztec and Inca civilizations were both indigenous empires in the Americas known for their advanced agricultural techniques, monumental architecture, and complex social structures. However, the Aztecs were located in Mesoamerica (Mexico) and worshipped many gods, while the Incas were in the Andes (Peru) and were known for their centralized government system and worship of the sun god. Both civilizations were eventually conquered by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.

How are the Aztec and Inca similar?

Both the Aztec and the Inca were defeated by Spanish conquistadors. Both the Aztec and the Inca were New World empires. Both the Aztec and Inca had calendars of their own. Both had gold artifacts that the Spanish wanted.

What are two differences between the Maya Inca and Aztec?

Aztecs and Mayans had pyramids, whereas Incas did not. Also Mayan pyramids where taller and skinny when Aztec pyramids are shorter and flatter. Thanks for your question! I hope my answer helps! *Raylissa Versache Manzenetti*

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What are the similarities between the Inca and Aztec empires?

Both empires were conquered by the Spanish.Both were conquered by other natives who banded with the Spanish to overthrow them.They also both worshiped the sun as one of their main gods.

What are the different between the Inca and Aztec empires?

the difference is i hate this stupid website

What are the difference between the Inca and Aztec empires?

The Aztecs were in Mexico and the Incas were in Peru