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The White House burned down and that is it. I think.

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Q: What were 3 consequences of war of 1812?
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What were four consequences of the war of 1812?

you will die

What were the consequences of the war of. 1812?

I'm pretty sure that i was the one asking you?

What was the last American war against the british?

the war of 1812

Why is the war of 1812 called the war of 1812?

The War of 1812 began in 1812. It used to be referred to as the War of 1812-1814, but that name became too cumbersome and ultimately, through general usage, was shortened to the War of 1812.

How did Washington deal with Britain's policy of impressment?

the war of 1812 .

What was the Month of the war of 1812 was declared?

The war of 1812 was declared in June of 1812.

What war was going on in the year 1812?

The war of 1812.

What years did the war 1812 last?

1812-1815 That is 3 years in total that the war lasted for Just incase u were wondering about that which u should have been cause if u wern't wondering u woulf have not typed in this question and gotten this responce!!! :D The war lasted from the 18th June 1812 until 18th February 1815, a total of 32months. It was a military conflict between the United States, who declared war on Great Britain and her Empire. The outcome of this was a draw.

What year was the War of 1812?

The War of 1812 was declared on Britain on July 17, 1812. 

Did the Revolutinary war coma before the war of 1812?

yes the war of 1812 was 1812-1814 the Revolutionary war was from 1775 to 1783.

Identify 3 ways the war affected the American homefront?

Identify 3 consequences of war

For the US what were consequences of The War of 1812?

1)increase in patriotism 2)weakend native Americans 3)increase in American industry 4)proved themselves able to defend themselves against the most powerful armies