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Q: What were 2 signs of safe underground railroad house?
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What did slaves call a safe house?

Slaves called a safe house on the Underground Railroad a "station" or a "depot."

What was the goal of the underground railroad?

It was a safe-house system to smuggle runaway slaves into Canada.

How were slaves aided by the underground railroad?

The Underground Railroad was not a railroad; it was a network of safe houses where slaves could stay until it was safe to move on farther north to the next "stop."

How did rhe underground railroad work?

The underground railroad helped take escaped slaves away to the North where it was safe.

How did slaves on the underground railroad know the stations were safe?

if the slaves seen a lantern on a hitching post in front of a house or a quilt in the window they new they were safe.

What was the Underground Railroad?

The underground railroad was an informal network of people who, although in violation of the "Fugitive Slave Act" helped escaped slaves reach freedom in Northern States or Canada.The underground railroad wasn't actually a railroad nor was it underground. It was actually a system where slaves would go from house to house until they could escape to freedom. The underground railroad was an escape route for slaves to travel from safe house to safe house and head to the north.It was an 'underground' organization. That is, it was not publicized, and kept secret from authorities at the time. It was called a railroad, because the way it was organized was akin to the way railroads were run. With various stops along the way (Safe houses) and conductors leading them (Often born-free blacks).Harriet Tubman was a major figure in the history of the underground railroad.The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free.

How was William Still involved in the underground railroad?

he help lead them to the nearest safe house He recorded the stories of escaping slaves.

Safe houses where key to the success of the?

Underground Railroad

What was the Underground Railroad-?

The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free, or to Canada. The railroad was a system of safe houses and secret routes.

What is the name given to a home or business that hid slaves during the day?

You could call it a station ( safe house) on the Underground Railroad.

How do you get on the underground railroad?

There were condutors and Safe houses on the "railroad". The conductors led slaves to paths on the "railraod". Safe house are where a slave would stay in the daytime so thay wouldn't get caught. The slave knew they were safe because there was a lantern in the window.

How deep was the underground railroad?

The underground railway was neither a railroad or underground. It was a way of moving escaped Southern American slaves from safe-house to safe-house until they reached freedom either in the Northern satates or Canada. The railway refers to the fact that it was a route to pass then along in the same way that "The road to success is hard work" does not relate to a road but a method. The term "underground" refers to the clandestine or hidden organization that helped them in yheir journey.