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Vietnamese were divided into two (or more) groups during the war. The North Vietnamese, regular army, used some of the same conventional weapons (ships, machine guns, tanks, planes, long range guns) as did the US... only they had very much fewer of them. The Viet Cong (VC), which were the Communist rebels which eventually took over South Vietnam, used more small scale weapons and weapons of secrecy, hidden bombs, more small arms fire and the like, as their number one weapon was secrecy and moving around quietly, while hiding in the bush often, to catch their enemy...the US and South Vietnamese troops off guard.

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13y ago

The NVAF flew MiG17, MiG19, and MiG21 jets. The MiG19 was actually a Chicom J6 (Chinese Communist version of the Soviet MiG19). The NVA operated Soviet supplied T54 medium gun tanks and PT76 Amphibious light tanks as well as Chicom T59 & T63 armored vehicles; both are Chinese Communist versions of the Soviet T54/PT76 respectively.

The North Vietnamese Navy operated both Soviet/Chicom supplied P4 and P6 torpedo boats. They had no other war vessels in their inventory at the time. But is interesting to note that these seemingly unimportant "naval vessels" which played such a little part in the Vietnam War were the ones that started the war between the US and North Vietnam in the Tonkin Gulf.

The NVA were armed with the standard infantry AK47 & RPGs.

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14y ago

In the early 1960's the NVA used the SKS carbine; later and until the war ended, it was the standard AK-47 assault rifle. These rifles were primarily supplied by the Chinese Communists, in which the weapons IN VIETNAM were referred to as "Chicoms" as separate from Soviet supplied weapons. The standard issue sidearm for the NVA was the K-54 semi-automatic pistol.

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12y ago

The NVA were issued:

1. Chicom Type 63 amphibious light tanks and T59 medium tanks and Soviet PT76/T54s of the same vehicles. The Chicoms were Communist Chinese versions of Soviet armor.

2. Soviet/Chicom artillery mortars & small arms (AK/SKS/RPDs/RPGs,etc). But since Red China was right on North Vietnam's border, it was far easier to get supplies from across the line than from Russia, consequently most of the small arms, etc. were Chicom weapons. Russia had to ship their equipment into North VN via Haiphong Harbor. A real long journey and dangerous due to constant US aerial bombing.

3. Ground defense personnel in North Vietnam used primarily Soviet supplied SAMs and associated radars against US airpower.

4. The North Viet Navy used both Chicom/USSR supplied P4 torpedo boats and P6 patrol boats. That just about consisted of their whole navy.

5. Guerrillas (VC) in RVN simply used what they could get their hands on.

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Q: What weapons did the south vietnamese use in the Vietnam war?
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What weapons did South Vietnam use in the Vietnam War?

The weapons the US Government provided. In the early years of the war the were furnished WWII era weapons, later, were provided the same mat

Were the Vietnamese friend or foe during the vietnam war?

You can use the term "Vietnamese" now because there is such a thing. But technically you couldn't during the war because there were two categories of Vietnamese; Southern ones and Northern ones. They were separate countries like todays South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia are separate states in the United States of America. Those are separate states from NORTH Carolina, NORTH Dakota, and the state of VIRGINIA. The Vietnam War would be like North Carolina or North Dakota fighting South Carolina and South Dakota. North Vietnam was the enemy in the Viet War. South Vietnam was the ally of the US.

Why did the U.S. have dificulties in achieving its goals in Vietnam?

1. Couldn't invade North Vietnam. 2. Couldn't use nuclear weapons. 3. Couldn't isolate (stop) the flow of M/M (Men/Material) into South Vietnam.

What was Nixon's plan to end Vietnam?

Nixon had been elected on a promise to Vietnamize the war, meaning more fighting would be turned over to the South Vietnamese army, and to start bringing home American troops. When the President ordered US troops into Cambodia and ordered more bombings, the result was a tremendous uproar at home with more marches and demonstrations. Congress reacted to the antiwar feeling and repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which gave the President the authority to send troops and fight the war in Vietnam. The United States did not lose the Vietnam War. Although some may argue that by pulling out of South Vietnam we did just that.

What type of weapons did us army and South Vietnam use during TET Ofensive?

The exact same types which were in use throughout the entire Vietnam War. With the exception of some weaponry left over from the French colonial era, most weapons and weapons used by the Republic of Vietnam were US-sourced. As for which weapons, you could narrow it down by limiting it to certain types - weapons range from small arms to armoured vehicles to artillery pieces to aircraft and the munitions they drop, and a complete list would be much too long to feasibly post on here.

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The North Vietnamese Navy had Patrol Torpedo Boats; the South Vietnamese Navy countered with (US) Swift Boats.

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The weapons the US Government provided. In the early years of the war the were furnished WWII era weapons, later, were provided the same mat

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Use the Vietnamese dictionary.

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Use the Vietnamese dictionary.

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The plan for the gradual removal of American troops from south Vietnam was called Vietnamization. South Vietnamese troops were trained to use American arms and materiel to protect their country.

Why was the Vietnam war not successful?

1. Could not invade North Vietnam 2. Could not use atomic weapons 3. Could not stop flow of men/material into South Vietnam

Were the Vietnamese friend or foe during the vietnam war?

You can use the term "Vietnamese" now because there is such a thing. But technically you couldn't during the war because there were two categories of Vietnamese; Southern ones and Northern ones. They were separate countries like todays South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia are separate states in the United States of America. Those are separate states from NORTH Carolina, NORTH Dakota, and the state of VIRGINIA. The Vietnam War would be like North Carolina or North Dakota fighting South Carolina and South Dakota. North Vietnam was the enemy in the Viet War. South Vietnam was the ally of the US.

What type of nuclear weapons did the US use in the Vietnam War?

The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.

Did Vietnam use nuclear weapons?

No it didn't.

What type of weapons did the Vietnamese use?

Rifles donated from the USSR, and alot of homemade weapons, traps, pitfalls...etc