I Think i Tall Boy Bomb or A Bouncing Bomb like The Dambuster bomb anyone that really knows Please answer question...
Hiroshima, Kokura and Nagasaki. Some people say Tokyo but that citi was bombed and destroyed so the US would not waste a good weapon in destroyed grounds.
In august 9, 1945, the second nuclear bomb was dropped. Nagasaki was shaken and destroyed by the weapon. This was 3 days after the first one over Hiroshima.
The Alhambra isn't destroyed. You can visit it.
the weapon was the longbow
The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed twice. The first time it was destroyed by the Babylonians and the second time by the Romans.
Because it is not write to use as a weapon
The Death Star was originally the ultimate weapon of the empire after it was destroyed by Luke sky walker in #4. then the emperor built it again but the rebels destroyed it again in #6
Pompey was destroyed by Mount Vesuvius which was a volcano.
Hiroshima, Kokura and Nagasaki. Some people say Tokyo but that citi was bombed and destroyed so the US would not waste a good weapon in destroyed grounds.
Tokyo in Japan
If a nuclear weapon is set off not only will the area be destroyed completely the radiation will also spread around the world. (Depending how big the weapon was).
The Stinger Missle played a major role in the Soviet defeat.
Adem Bomb dropped by American b12 bomber
Atoms can be destroyed by various methods, the most commonly known example is a nuclear weapon detonating.
Though the mega weapon has been destroyed the ninja face a new deadly enemy
It was destroyed by an unknown borg weapon and half of the saucer was vaporized from the borg cube at wolf 359
I suppose you mean a nuclear weapon. It would get destroyed just like anything else.