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Since you do not indicate who "your" represents I will tell you about some successful retailers in the USA. Sears and Wal Mart. In the latter part of the 1800s and all the way through the 1900s Sears Roebuck ruled the retail world because they were smart to use the catalog method to reach the rural areas and lure the city people to buy and come into their stores. Later, they added automotive repair and tire and battery sales. They dominated the catalog sales world and big department stores for a long time. In the 1990s they had to quit the catalog sales and scale down their stores. Now we have Wal Mart started by Sam Walton. He started out building Wal Marts in the rural area. After he died his relatives put Wal Marts all over the USA and it is now the largest retail chain store in the USA and the richest.

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