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Q: What was true about craft unions like those lead by Samuel gompers?
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What was true about the craft unions like those led by Samuel Gompers?

the members were all white mem

What was true craft unions like those led by Samuel Gompers?

The members were all white men.

What was true about unions like those led by Samuel Gompers?

The members were all white men.

What was true about crafts unions like those led by Samuel Gompers?

they were all white men.

Whic what was a governing principle of the American federation of labor?

The American Federation of Labor was founded in Ohio in 1886 by Samuel Gompers as a reorganization of the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions.The AFL was a conservative union that stressed working conditions, trades, pay and control over jobs and made basic union causes more important than political goals. Members were taught to make their craft interest primary over those of other workers. Unlike other unions, the AFL saw the capitalist system and free enterprise as the path to better working conditions for labor and more respect for unionization.

What has the author Samuel Manning written?

Samuel Manning has written: ''Those holy fields'' 'Italian pictures'

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What types of workers were menbers of the American federation of labor?

The type of workers that were members of the American Federation of Labor were those from the craft unions, with each limited to the skilled workers in a single trade. The union later concentrated on the political protection for the union rather than looking for social change through the legislative action.

How were unions formed?

well unions were formed because when people started business they needed people to do work to so those people were laborers. Basically unions were formed whenever business men needed them.

What are the craft find in villages in Pakistan?

Blacksmiths, carpenters, potters,cobblers, those who can build houses, and those who can mend ploughs and carts.

What vessels are required to carry a whistle or horn and bell?

In most navigational districts, commercial small craft are required to carry those items.

What were labor unions and what was the Oregon Trail?

Those are two completely separate questions. Please see the Related Questions below for answers to those two questions.