

Best Answer
  1. Silk
  2. Porcelain
  3. Tea
  4. Wine
  5. Weapons
  6. Metal work
  7. Jewelry
  8. Horses
  9. Woven goods
  10. Spices
  11. Cloth
  12. Glass
  13. Crystals
  14. Wood
  15. Gold
  16. Silver
  17. Amber
  18. Brassware
  19. Jade
  20. Nuts
  21. Oil
  22. Fruit
  23. Peacock feathers
  24. Sugar
  25. Horses
  26. Camels
  27. Mirrors
  28. Cotton
  29. Kashmir
  30. Buddhist manuscripts
  31. Sculptures
  32. Hemp
  33. Chilies
  34. Salt
  35. Mint
  36. Almonds
  37. Lapis lazuli
  38. Saffron
  39. Dates
  40. Textiles
  41. Lapdogs
  42. Ivory
  43. Dyes
  44. Furs
  45. Incense
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Q: What was traded along the Silk Road?
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What did Baghdad trade along the silk road?

Baghdad traded goods and ideas along the silk road.

Was the silk road smooth?

No the Silk Road was not smooth. The Silk road was actually a road that was used for trading. The main item traded along the Silk Road was silk that is why it is called the silk road.

Who traded most along the Silk Road?

Spices and other goods (like silk) were traded between the Orient and the Roman Empire with the people of the Indus Valley as middlemen.

What spices were traded along the silk road?

black pepper correander

What kind of people traded on the silk road?

The merchants traded silk on the silk road

What was traded along the silk road in kazakhstan?

Silk and spices were traded along with jewelry, gold, ivory, and all sorts of things people needed for ordinary life.

Who traded along the silk road?

The silk road stretched from the Han Dynasty or empire to the Roman Empire in Europe.

What are three things that were traded on the silk road?

Silk, spices, and precious metals were traded along the silk road. However the most important things, in regards to impact on world history to be traded along the silk road were religions, best example is Buddhism. The movement of technology e.g. paper making or gun powder. and arguably diseases such as the Bubonic plague.

Where did Marco Polo get his camels?

Marco Polo traded for them along the Silk Road.

What item was traded most in silk road?

The item most traded on the silk road was gold and silk.

What goods where traded along the western silk road?

Silk ,olives , types of food horses sheep even slaves!