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It's hard to pinpoint one specifically, as the Germans made living conditions miserable at every opportunity. But here is a list of things that might have made life difficult for an inmate.

-The constant threat of death. It was so easy to get killed at Auschwitz. Doing anything to irritate a Nazi could've earned you a trip to the gas chambers or a Luger slug in the back of your skull.

-The lack of food. The Nazis only gave the inmates meager food that allowed them to work without dropping, but only just.

-The cold nights. Temperatures in Germany during Winter can dip as low as -40 degrees Celsius. And with only 2 blankets per person, it was common for an inmate to freeze to death during the night.

-The rampant disease. Typhus was widespread throughout Auschwitz, and the Nazis provided no medicine for this. It was a virtual death sentence if you got typhus, as you wouldn't be able to work.

-The fear. Many inmates were terrified throughout the experience. It was hard to believe that the systematic killings of people could take place like this.

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