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Q: What was the war cry America used in the Mexican American War?
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Who were the doughboys in the great war?

"Doughboy" was a term used from the Mexican-American War until World War II to refer to America soldiers.

What country's fought in the mexican-american war?

Mexico, and America

Did America win the Mexican American war?

Yes. They did win.

What were the results of the mexican-american war?

America won the war and got the land they wanted.

Which region of America disagreed with the Mexican American War?

The industrial north.

When did Arizona come into union?

When America won the Mexican-American war.

Which states were given to America after the Mexican - American War?

The Mexican States of Alta California and Nuevo Mexico.

Who was the leader of America in the Mexican American War?

President James Knox Polk.

What was the outcome of the Mexican American war for the American military?

The Mexican cession was the outcome of the Mexican American war.

What ended when Mexico City was caught by America?

The Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

What is a sentence with Mexican American war?

The Mexican-American War was not unnecessary.

What are the three major us intervention in latin America in the 19th century?

texas annexation ,mexican-american war, spanish-american war